This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Week 5 [Fri, Feb 3rd] - Tutorial

1 Discuss code quality problems of iP PRs

  1. Find the PR you have been allocated to discuss (expand the the panel below). If the allocated PR is not available or suitable, you can choose the fallback option, and failing that, any random PR.

    PR allocation

    Your username PR to review Fallback PR to review
    0x787af25e yanlings's PR Flash161203's PR
    4ndrelim abenx162's PR minosx31's PR
    9fc70c892 Shuggan's PR YZmunchmunch's PR
    ARPspoofing wesleybldc's PR JrmCkh's PR
    Acerizm SHni99's PR evanpy's PR
    Alvozyn rmj1405's PR jinnieshin's PR
    AngJunYang pkwangjoo's PR kyueran's PR
    BagDownB3nny tituswe's PR ongweijie7's PR
    Beebeeoii huanghao1998's PR noahxinjie's PR
    Bentimate jengoc415's PR Merrickneo's PR
    BigheartSmallbrain KevinEyo1's PR pangrwa's PR
    Bisceto glyfy's PR Cheamybunny's PR
    BoAi01 Sheemo's PR thennant's PR
    Bobfree546 Infrix's PR ScorpiusSigma's PR
    Bransonlj TabrizPlv's PR Oliverloo0909's PR
    CShuwen vaidyanaath's PR cetigerlily's PR
    CarrieLi1015 rachtan27's PR Alvozyn's PR
    CedricPei cmang12's PR huixuant's PR
    ChangGittyHub kayyenl's PR nerdyboy98's PR
    Cheamybunny kohkaixun's PR peaol's PR
    ChickenChiang CShuwen's PR vaidyanaath's PR
    ChinJunAn Irminrics's PR lhy-hoyin's PR
    CloudHill CedricPei's PR cmang12's PR
    Creationsv2 nramapurath's PR ZHTang29's PR
    Cyrus-Krispin jjiayyingtt's PR c0j0s's PR
    Dangabit seadragon2000341's PR kalarisng's PR
    Daniel-Kur VietAnh1010's PR Diamondroxxx's PR
    DerenC jweeyh's PR gitsac's PR
    DerrickSaltFish LeonardYam's PR leonpoh's PR
    Diamondroxxx panavdua's PR Bransonlj's PR
    Diatbbin chuakid's PR sanjevi13's PR
    Douglch benjamin-wee's PR Nicklelodeon's PR
    EksdeeeX jeraldkiew's PR Wong-Jia-Jun's PR
    Emrysil Zhongli5712's PR sarthak181's PR
    Enigmatrix ruiyigan's PR Bentimate's PR
    EvitanRelta Tempura-Person's PR panpannnnn's PR
    ExtraShotLatte lukkesreysandeur's PR JamesLiuZX's PR
    FireRadical22 joyngjr's PR RubyNguyen07's PR
    Flash161203 lxz333's PR lywich's PR
    FredericChow00 laihuiqi's PR seriouslia0's PR
    Gibson0918 wpx12011's PR markusyeo's PR
    GlennOngJunJie alson001's PR wengkit1's PR
    Guo-KeCheng nusE0726844's PR RyanQiu1's PR
    HJ-PRK zhacatomn's PR Jxleejiaxin's PR
    HmuuMyatMoe lennoxtr's PR weekiat-douze's PR
    Huggenguggen Douglch's PR benjamin-wee's PR
    Infrix ScorpiusSigma's PR kenzantonius's PR
    Irminrics lhy-hoyin's PR Bobfree546's PR
    IsabelChong bryanongjx's PR shirsho-12's PR
    JThh UnwilledTangent's PR BigheartSmallbrain's PR
    JamesLiuZX bojie3's PR swxk19's PR
    Jarrett0203 XylusChen's PR verydaftpunk's PR
    JavonTeo bryansendeavour's PR GlennOngJunJie's PR
    Jayanth-Balasubramanian kennycjy's PR zhengsterz's PR
    Jiayan-Lim leeyi45's PR HJ-PRK's PR
    Johnchiahk afiqzu's PR bokuanT's PR
    JrmCkh NappySprout's PR clydelhui's PR
    Jun-How DerrickSaltFish's PR LeonardYam's PR
    JunHao247 jugsliao's PR tangyuantyy's PR
    Junyi00 thedesalizes's PR nus-jeff's PR
    Jxleejiaxin jereldlimjy's PR ezeAng's PR
    KS2499 pzhengze's PR Jun-How's PR
    KSunil2001 zenithyap's PR YuanXun9834's PR
    Karen-Lam sembcorpp's PR NBQian's PR
    KevinEyo1 pangrwa's PR Bisceto's PR
    Lanreath gmengqi's PR jnjy's PR
    Lava-Iris joytqt-1202's PR dohaduong's PR
    LeonardYam leonpoh's PR JunHao247's PR
    LiuMC-SG joellow88's PR hongshenggg's PR
    Mehvin astraxq's PR praveenkrishna0512's PR
    Merrickneo zm-l's PR Guo-KeCheng's PR
    MingHowLogic KS2499's PR pzhengze's PR
    Mr-Teal junianob's PR gohyongjing's PR
    MrTwit99 SeanChinJunKai's PR kynhan's PR
    NBQian zichen-3974's PR vsamarth's PR
    Nafeij WeideTeo's PR Zxun2's PR
    NappySprout clydelhui's PR Beebeeoii's PR
    Nicklelodeon ARPspoofing's PR wesleybldc's PR
    NoyaRoeT zrei's PR IsabelChong's PR
    Oliverloo0909 clevon-w's PR jianminglok's PR
    OliviaJHL hhchinh2002's PR germainelee02's PR
    PROGRAMMERHAO yyj-02's PR Lava-Iris's PR
    PawanPatil19 cyiting's PR francisyzy's PR
    PeanutButters93 FredericChow00's PR laihuiqi's PR
    QQH0828 igezt's PR CloudHill's PR
    RubyNguyen07 salty-flower's PR ShiJiaAo's PR
    RyanQiu1 kimberlybp's PR Lanreath's PR
    SFCoding123 wz2k's PR mandykqh's PR
    SHni99 evanpy's PR CarrieLi1015's PR
    SPWwj slackernoob's PR shazxrin's PR
    Saha9616 Gibson0918's PR wpx12011's PR
    ScorpiusSigma kenzantonius's PR cjyothika's PR
    SeanChinJunKai kynhan's PR NoyaRoeT's PR
    SeeuSim Daniel-Kur's PR VietAnh1010's PR
    ShanHng zxisatree's PR tricixg's PR
    ShawnYip-Au Junyi00's PR thedesalizes's PR
    Sheemo thennant's PR nt-nic's PR
    ShiJiaAo jerome-neo's PR toh-xinyi's PR
    Shuggan YZmunchmunch's PR glozxi's PR
    Skeltons Tohtoroo's PR Varstak's PR
    StanleyNeoh jiasheng59's PR jedidiahC's PR
    Statspadders JThh's PR UnwilledTangent's PR
    StefanosAv mynameizzhafeez's PR gremmyz's PR
    TabrizPlv Oliverloo0909's PR clevon-w's PR
    TamKengHong roultitude's PR jerrrren's PR
    Tempura-Person panpannnnn's PR PawanPatil19's PR
    TimothyLawSongEn randallnhr's PR tingyic's PR
    Tohtoroo Varstak's PR mayuanxin1234's PR
    UnwilledTangent BigheartSmallbrain's PR KevinEyo1's PR
    Varstak mayuanxin1234's PR ExtraShotLatte's PR
    VietAnh1010 Diamondroxxx's PR panavdua's PR
    WeideTeo Zxun2's PR StefanosAv's PR
    WillCWX bernicetoh's PR jamieeeleow's PR
    WilliamHaiweiGu Zeli0's PR gyulong1's PR
    WindyCall redHat-arko's PR russelltankaimin's PR
    Wong-Jia-Jun cyli133's PR jundatan's PR
    XylusChen verydaftpunk's PR DerenC's PR
    YZmunchmunch glozxi's PR KSunil2001's PR
    Yaladah hingen's PR ChinJunAn's PR
    YuanXun9834 OliviaJHL's PR hhchinh2002's PR
    Yufannnn homuntan02's PR Cyrus-Krispin's PR
    ZHTang29 shuimeihe's PR jiexuanc's PR
    Zeli0 gyulong1's PR Enigmatrix's PR
    Zhongli5712 sarthak181's PR Jayanth-Balasubramanian's PR
    ZhuLeYao Mehvin's PR astraxq's PR
    Zxun2 StefanosAv's PR mynameizzhafeez's PR
    abenx162 minosx31's PR Karen-Lam's PR
    adam07018 nigelteosw's PR dillongoh's PR
    afiqzu bokuanT's PR nevinlim's PR
    ajjajjajjajj ginloy's PR owen-yap's PR
    alextang809 PeanutButters93's PR FredericChow00's PR
    alson001 wengkit1's PR dfordarius's PR
    amoonguss1 axmszr's PR nicljr's PR
    anchengyang JavonTeo's PR bryansendeavour's PR
    anshumaantgi FireRadical22's PR joyngjr's PR
    anthonynmh ShawnYip-Au's PR Junyi00's PR
    antonlee59 jednghk's PR engenhui1999's PR
    anunayajoshi jeremykhoo-NUS's PR euph00's PR
    arkarsg elvern18's PR castryl's PR
    astraxq praveenkrishna0512's PR MrTwit99's PR
    axmszr nicljr's PR lyndonlim27's PR
    benedict733 QQH0828's PR igezt's PR
    benjamin-wee Nicklelodeon's PR ARPspoofing's PR
    bernicetoh jamieeeleow's PR WindyCall's PR
    bipbipboopboop jefrai's PR cydtseng's PR
    bofeng1999 Yaladah's PR hingen's PR
    bojie3 swxk19's PR swx0's PR
    bokuanT nevinlim's PR gekhro's PR
    bokung fahim-tazz's PR seanfirefox's PR
    bryanongjx shirsho-12's PR jishnu28's PR
    bryansendeavour GlennOngJunJie's PR alson001's PR
    c0j0s weilin1202's PR gwynethguo's PR
    castryl pzaiming's PR anthonynmh's PR
    cetigerlily Huggenguggen's PR Douglch's PR
    chen-jerry-junior Mr-Teal's PR junianob's PR
    chia-yh wongyx's PR potty10's PR
    chongweiguan iapetusbob's PR daitenshionyan's PR
    chuakid sanjevi13's PR filbertphang's PR
    chunzkok daniellingzy's PR ChickenChiang's PR
    cjyothika bipbipboopboop's PR jefrai's PR
    clevon-w jianminglok's PR SPWwj's PR
    clydelhui Beebeeoii's PR huanghao1998's PR
    cmang12 huixuant's PR AngJunYang's PR
    cydtseng jugheadjones10's PR SFCoding123's PR
    cyiting francisyzy's PR venuslimm's PR
    cyli133 jundatan's PR ryanchua00's PR
    daitenshionyan dsja612's PR 9fc70c892's PR
    daniellingzy ChickenChiang's PR CShuwen's PR
    dawg420 chia-yh's PR wongyx's PR
    daytona65 zhoyx's PR WilliamHaiweiGu's PR
    dfordarius TimothyLawSongEn's PR randallnhr's PR
    dillongoh huangzz125's PR Johnchiahk's PR
    dohaduong junlee1991's PR vigonometry's PR
    dsja612 9fc70c892's PR Shuggan's PR
    dunliang0513 HmuuMyatMoe's PR lennoxtr's PR
    edures888 EksdeeeX's PR jeraldkiew's PR
    elvern18 castryl's PR pzaiming's PR
    engenhui1999 yitong241's PR SeeuSim's PR
    eugenetangkj liujiayue314's PR WillCWX's PR
    euph00 jmestxr's PR TamKengHong's PR
    evanpy CarrieLi1015's PR rachtan27's PR
    ezeAng shittake's PR Skeltons's PR
    fahim-tazz seanfirefox's PR Saha9616's PR
    filbertphang eugenetangkj's PR liujiayue314's PR
    francisyzy venuslimm's PR hansstanley's PR
    gekhro unfazing's PR EvitanRelta's PR
    germainelee02 BoAi01's PR Sheemo's PR
    ginloy owen-yap's PR edures888's PR
    gitsac niekis's PR shenchenzizoe's PR
    glozxi KSunil2001's PR zenithyap's PR
    glyfy Cheamybunny's PR kohkaixun's PR
    gmengqi jnjy's PR daytona65's PR
    gohyongjing szejiancheng's PR StanleyNeoh's PR
    gremmyz Acerizm's PR SHni99's PR
    gwynethguo anunayajoshi's PR jeremykhoo-NUS's PR
    gyulong1 Enigmatrix's PR ruiyigan's PR
    hansstanley adam07018's PR nigelteosw's PR
    harin0826 securespider's PR Creationsv2's PR
    heeeyi PROGRAMMERHAO's PR yyj-02's PR
    hhchinh2002 germainelee02's PR BoAi01's PR
    hingen ChinJunAn's PR Irminrics's PR
    homuntan02 Cyrus-Krispin's PR jjiayyingtt's PR
    hongshenggg ajjajjajjajj's PR ginloy's PR
    huanghao1998 noahxinjie's PR chunzkok's PR
    huangzz125 Johnchiahk's PR afiqzu's PR
    huixuant AngJunYang's PR pkwangjoo's PR
    iapetusbob daitenshionyan's PR dsja612's PR
    igezt CloudHill's PR CedricPei's PR
    immanuelhume arkarsg's PR elvern18's PR
    inas0ng sumhungyee's PR linustws's PR
    jamieeeleow WindyCall's PR redHat-arko's PR
    jayhee3 wxxedu's PR wendy0107's PR
    jedidiahC zuohui48's PR amoonguss1's PR
    jednghk engenhui1999's PR yitong241's PR
    jefrai cydtseng's PR jugheadjones10's PR
    jengoc415 Merrickneo's PR zm-l's PR
    jeraldkiew Wong-Jia-Jun's PR cyli133's PR
    jereldlimjy ezeAng's PR shittake's PR
    jeremykhoo-NUS euph00's PR jmestxr's PR
    jerome-neo toh-xinyi's PR anchengyang's PR
    jerrrren nicleejy's PR rexcyrio's PR
    jianminglok SPWwj's PR slackernoob's PR
    jiasheng59 jedidiahC's PR zuohui48's PR
    jiexuanc 4ndrelim's PR abenx162's PR
    jinbesan Nafeij's PR WeideTeo's PR
    jinnieshin yaojiax's PR mmaimer33's PR
    jishnu28 alextang809's PR PeanutButters93's PR
    jjiayyingtt c0j0s's PR weilin1202's PR
    jmestxr TamKengHong's PR roultitude's PR
    jnjy daytona65's PR zhoyx's PR
    joellow88 hongshenggg's PR ajjajjajjajj's PR
    joshua-tyh harin0826's PR securespider's PR
    joyngjr RubyNguyen07's PR salty-flower's PR
    joytqt-1202 dohaduong's PR junlee1991's PR
    jugheadjones10 SFCoding123's PR wz2k's PR
    jugsliao tangyuantyy's PR heeeyi's PR
    jundatan ryanchua00's PR ryanjansen's PR
    junianob gohyongjing's PR szejiancheng's PR
    junlee1991 vigonometry's PR MingHowLogic's PR
    jweeyh gitsac's PR niekis's PR
    kalarisng 0x787af25e's PR yanlings's PR
    kayyenl nerdyboy98's PR inas0ng's PR
    kennethk-1201 Emrysil's PR Zhongli5712's PR
    kennycjy zhengsterz's PR Statspadders's PR
    kenzantonius cjyothika's PR bipbipboopboop's PR
    kimberlybp Lanreath's PR gmengqi's PR
    kohkaixun peaol's PR kennethk-1201's PR
    kynhan NoyaRoeT's PR zrei's PR
    kyueran tariq-droid's PR ShanHng's PR
    laihuiqi seriouslia0's PR ZhuLeYao's PR
    leeyi45 HJ-PRK's PR zhacatomn's PR
    lennoxtr weekiat-douze's PR benedict733's PR
    leonpoh JunHao247's PR jugsliao's PR
    lhy-hoyin Bobfree546's PR Infrix's PR
    linustws Diatbbin's PR chuakid's PR
    liujiayue314 WillCWX's PR bernicetoh's PR
    lukkesreysandeur JamesLiuZX's PR bojie3's PR
    lxz333 lywich's PR immanuelhume's PR
    lyndonlim27 dawg420's PR chia-yh's PR
    lywich immanuelhume's PR arkarsg's PR
    mandykqh bofeng1999's PR Yaladah's PR
    markusyeo BagDownB3nny's PR tituswe's PR
    mayuanxin1234 ExtraShotLatte's PR lukkesreysandeur's PR
    minosx31 Karen-Lam's PR sembcorpp's PR
    mmaimer33 winsonheng's PR jinbesan's PR
    mynameizzhafeez gremmyz's PR Acerizm's PR
    nerdyboy98 inas0ng's PR sumhungyee's PR
    nevinlim gekhro's PR unfazing's PR
    nicleejy rexcyrio's PR rockman007372's PR
    nicljr lyndonlim27's PR dawg420's PR
    niekis shenchenzizoe's PR bokung's PR
    nigelteosw dillongoh's PR huangzz125's PR
    noahxinjie chunzkok's PR daniellingzy's PR
    nramapurath ZHTang29's PR shuimeihe's PR
    nt-nic chongweiguan's PR iapetusbob's PR
    nus-jeff Dangabit's PR seadragon2000341's PR
    nusE0726844 RyanQiu1's PR kimberlybp's PR
    ongweijie7 Jarrett0203's PR XylusChen's PR
    owen-yap edures888's PR EksdeeeX's PR
    panavdua Bransonlj's PR TabrizPlv's PR
    pangrwa Bisceto's PR glyfy's PR
    panpannnnn PawanPatil19's PR cyiting's PR
    peaol kennethk-1201's PR Emrysil's PR
    pkpaing joshua-tyh's PR harin0826's PR
    pkwangjoo kyueran's PR tariq-droid's PR
    potty10 tyx021's PR chen-jerry-junior's PR
    praveenkrishna0512 MrTwit99's PR SeanChinJunKai's PR
    pzaiming anthonynmh's PR ShawnYip-Au's PR
    pzhengze Jun-How's PR DerrickSaltFish's PR
    rachtan27 Alvozyn's PR rmj1405's PR
    randallnhr tingyic's PR anshumaantgi's PR
    redHat-arko russelltankaimin's PR ChangGittyHub's PR
    rexcyrio rockman007372's PR runoutofit's PR
    rmj1405 jinnieshin's PR yaojiax's PR
    rockman007372 runoutofit's PR Yufannnn's PR
    roultitude jerrrren's PR nicleejy's PR
    ruiyigan Bentimate's PR jengoc415's PR
    runoutofit Yufannnn's PR homuntan02's PR
    russelltankaimin ChangGittyHub's PR kayyenl's PR
    ryanchua00 ryanjansen's PR jayhee3's PR
    ryanjansen jayhee3's PR wxxedu's PR
    sachindavid96 LiuMC-SG's PR joellow88's PR
    salty-flower ShiJiaAo's PR jerome-neo's PR
    sanjevi13 filbertphang's PR eugenetangkj's PR
    sarthak181 Jayanth-Balasubramanian's PR kennycjy's PR
    seadragon2000341 kalarisng's PR 0x787af25e's PR
    seanfirefox Saha9616's PR Gibson0918's PR
    securespider Creationsv2's PR nramapurath's PR
    sembcorpp NBQian's PR zichen-3974's PR
    seriouslia0 ZhuLeYao's PR Mehvin's PR
    shaowi pkpaing's PR joshua-tyh's PR
    shazxrin valerietanhx's PR antonlee59's PR
    shenchenzizoe bokung's PR fahim-tazz's PR
    shirsho-12 jishnu28's PR alextang809's PR
    shittake Skeltons's PR Tohtoroo's PR
    shuimeihe jiexuanc's PR 4ndrelim's PR
    slackernoob shazxrin's PR valerietanhx's PR
    sumhungyee linustws's PR Diatbbin's PR
    swx0 Jiayan-Lim's PR leeyi45's PR
    swxk19 swx0's PR Jiayan-Lim's PR
    szejiancheng StanleyNeoh's PR jiasheng59's PR
    tangyuantyy heeeyi's PR PROGRAMMERHAO's PR
    tariq-droid ShanHng's PR zxisatree's PR
    thedesalizes nus-jeff's PR Dangabit's PR
    thennant nt-nic's PR chongweiguan's PR
    tingyic anshumaantgi's PR FireRadical22's PR
    tituswe ongweijie7's PR Jarrett0203's PR
    toh-xinyi anchengyang's PR JavonTeo's PR
    tricixg dunliang0513's PR HmuuMyatMoe's PR
    tyx021 chen-jerry-junior's PR Mr-Teal's PR
    unfazing EvitanRelta's PR Tempura-Person's PR
    vaidyanaath cetigerlily's PR Huggenguggen's PR
    valerietanhx antonlee59's PR jednghk's PR
    venuslimm hansstanley's PR adam07018's PR
    verydaftpunk DerenC's PR jweeyh's PR
    vigonometry MingHowLogic's PR KS2499's PR
    vsamarth shaowi's PR pkpaing's PR
    weekiat-douze benedict733's PR QQH0828's PR
    weilin1202 gwynethguo's PR anunayajoshi's PR
    wendy0107 sachindavid96's PR LiuMC-SG's PR
    wengkit1 dfordarius's PR TimothyLawSongEn's PR
    wesleybldc JrmCkh's PR NappySprout's PR
    winsonheng jinbesan's PR Nafeij's PR
    wongyx potty10's PR tyx021's PR
    wpx12011 markusyeo's PR BagDownB3nny's PR
    wxxedu wendy0107's PR sachindavid96's PR
    wz2k mandykqh's PR bofeng1999's PR
    yanlings Flash161203's PR lxz333's PR
    yaojiax mmaimer33's PR winsonheng's PR
    yitong241 SeeuSim's PR Daniel-Kur's PR
    yyj-02 Lava-Iris's PR joytqt-1202's PR
    zenithyap YuanXun9834's PR OliviaJHL's PR
    zhacatomn Jxleejiaxin's PR jereldlimjy's PR
    zhengsterz Statspadders's PR JThh's PR
    zhoyx WilliamHaiweiGu's PR Zeli0's PR
    zichen-3974 vsamarth's PR shaowi's PR
    zm-l Guo-KeCheng's PR nusE0726844's PR
    zrei IsabelChong's PR bryanongjx's PR
    zuohui48 amoonguss1's PR axmszr's PR
    zxisatree tricixg's PR dunliang0513's PR

    Allocation not available yet...

  2. 10 minutes Find given problems: Go through the code in the diff view (i.e., the files changed tab), and find instances of following code quality problems (ignore other types of code quality problems)
    a. weak SLAP
    b. arrow-head style code
    c. too-long methods
    d. too-deep nesting

    To identify long methods or deep nesting, zoom out and scroll through the entire PR code to do a visual inspection (no need to read the code line-by-line). After visually locating a method that looks too long/deep, have a closer look to see it can be improved by using better abstraction.

    • If you can't find at least one example, you can try the fallback option provided, and failing that, another random iP PR.
    • You can also select borderline cases.
    • Paste screenshots of problematic code in the shared online document provided (in the section of the document allocated to you).
  3. 10 minutes Discussion: The tutor will lead a short discussion to go through the problematic code you found.

  4. After the tutorial, you can apply the insights gained from this activity to improve the code quality of your own iP, if necessary.

    You are not required to (but welcome to) post review comments in the PRs you examined.

2 User stories exercise

  • Consider the following user stories a team came up with, for a tP that aims to build a software for tracking travel plans.
1 As a … I can … So that I can … notes
2 first-time user see some sample trips when I open the app easily try out its features without needing to add my data first
3 first-time user see a help message explaining which features I should try first start by trying features that are more suited for new users e.g., "hey you seem to be new. Try adding a trip first"
4 new user ready to adopt the app for my own use purge all data get rid of sample/dummy data and start adding my real data
5 busy user track all trip-related data inside the app save time looking for data
6 user sending trip info to friends via email or telegram
7 user add a trip
8 user delete a trip get rid of trip no longer needed to track
9 user edit trip details correct mistakes I made when adding a trip
10 user view all trip details recall details of trips
11 user see the next upcoming trip details when I open the app save the step of searching for the trip reason: the next upcoming trips is the most likely trip the user may want to see
  • Think of the answers to the following questions. These will be discussed during the tutorial.
    1. Which user stories don’t follow the correct format?
    2. Any of them too big for the tP planning? i.e., cannot be implemented by one person within 1-2 days
    3. Which are must-have for v1.2? i.e., impossible to use the app without it

3 Prioritize tP user stories

  • If you haven't done so already, prioritize tP user stories as explained in the panel below.

4 time permitting Create a feature list for v1.2

  • If there is time left, do the following tP task that is scheduled for the following week.

Admin tP → week 6 → Conceptualize v1.2

  • Based on your user stories selected previously, conceptualize the product in terms of how it will look like at v1.2 in the form of a feature list.
    Note down the feature list in your online project notes document.

FAQ: How many features should we put in v1.2?
A: Aim for the smallest set of features the product cannot do without. Even a most basic version of those features is enough. After completing that feature set, you can add more if there is time left.